Sunday, February 8, 2015

Back to Yoga

I haven't gone to yoga in a really long time just because soccer doesn't really leave me with time for it. But with the start of a new semester at school, I'm back to actually having it as a class and therefore a part of my daily schedule. Day 1 was a little rough. I could definitely feel my leave of absence in the tightness and weakness of not only my shoulder but also my entire body. But after just a week, I'm already feeling better. That first downward facing dog of every class is a little bit more relaxed each day and I'm realizing how much I missed yoga. It's making me aware of my shoulder again which can be frustrating and almost claustrophobic like I've explained before but being aware of my shoulder is also something I think is necessary in my life. Yoga helps me understand better its tightness and mobility, strengths and weaknesses, and abilities and disabilities and though these understandings don't often make me happy, it's important that I recognize them so that I can do what's best for my body and especially so that I can make improvements. What does make me happy is being back to practicing yoga (5 days a week!) and back to listening to my body. Don't underestimate it. 

Sunday, February 1, 2015

"My Bad Arm"

Calling it that has become a habit. And when I call it my bad arm, everyone else follows suit. When my soccer coach said it this week, I didn't even think about it until a moment later she corrected herself: "It's not really your bad arm; it's a good arm!!" It made me laugh but in reality, she's right. It isn't a bad arm. And I shouldn't call it that. I have two good arms with one that can just do a little less than the other. And that's okay! :)