I never noticed that I bike/type differently until coming here and doing it in front of my peers every day. I get a little self conscious about my uneven hands when I type out notes in physics lecture or when I'm biking back from the gym leaning a little to my left side with my arm bent while my right one's straight to rest my hands on the handlebars.
A new place brings new activities, new routines, and new discoveries. I'm trying to teach myself to use my hands equally on the keyboard, and I straighten up when I catch myself leaning on my bike. The knowledge that I'm surrounded by new people upon which I'm trying to make a good impression makes me a bit more conscious of these little things.
Week 7 and the only person who knows anything about my shoulder is my yoga teacher. I'm starting to wonder if people notice but just aren't saying anything. In fact, I know they do, and I'm starting to hope the opportunity arises for me to explain because I don't want people wondering what's wrong with me. I know I could speak up but this is still an interesting experiment.
I can't tell if I'm happy or not that it hasn't come up yet. Should I be proud that my BPI isn't noticeable, or sad that still no one feels comfortable enough to ask? For now, I'm still happy for myself, but I'll keep you updated.
It's funny that throughout my life, I've had to give an explanation at many different points in relationships. Some people found out the first day they met me while others didn't know for months. I'm enjoying this unexpected experiment :)