I guess this is a statement designed to make me feel happy that I can be normal and play a sport? But to anyone reading this who is the friend, aunt, boyfriend, or even stranger to someone with BPI: please don't say this or really anything like it.
Yes, we want to feel normal but giving me a big pat on the back for being able to do something that isn't even affected by my injury isn't really all that rewarding. Don't give in to the stigma that my life is always dictated by it. And actually, arms aren't only for goalies in soccer! There do happen to be throw-ins just about every minute. And when you play feisty teams, arms are pretty important to defend yourself when fighting for the ball. Especially the shoulder. Oh and running! It's not all in the legs. My left arm and even my back is just as sore as my thighs the day after a game because pumping my arms to keep up with everyone else doesn't come so easy. So yes, thank you, it is nice I can play soccer. But not because it lets me avoid my injury. I played both basketball and softball for a long time and I don't think there's any arguments there that those sports require no arm strength. I play soccer because I like it and I'll have you know that I had a diving save on a penalty kick on my rec team a few years ago...so yeah I could play goalie if I wanted.