Sunday, October 12, 2014


Reminder: little victories are always the most gratifying. From sleeping an extra fifteen minutes to cleaning your room to finishing a math assignment or painting your nails nicely, these are the mini conquests that determine a day is a good one. Today my little victory was actually a piece of a big defeat. A goal in my soccer game. Now let me start by saying my team isn't very good. I was looking for fun in place of competitiveness this year but it's really only given me chronic frustration. But today there was a miracle: a goal. From my very own head! The giddiness lasted through halftime when the club's director dubbed it the prettiest goal of the year from any of the club's teams. After laughing when I pointed out that was a good thing considering it was one of less than few for us, we headed back on the field. Within minutes, the high was over and we left with a 3-1 loss. And it would be an understatement to say my frustration had returned. But oh well. I scored the prettiest goal of our entire club and I'm choosing to be happy about that now, just as I choose to let my left arm's little victories make my day. Turning the steering wheel with just my left hand or picking up my pencil with it or giving a high-five or eating or waving or typing. My big defeat is its everlasting lack of normalcy but my mini conquests are beyond enough to get me through each day with a smile on my face. 

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