Sunday, October 19, 2014

Don't Tell Me What I Can't Do

For any fans out there of TV show Lost, you probably recognize this title. John Locke, bound to a wheelchair after an unfortunate accident, was often seen shouting it at people. John was tired of being told he couldn't do things when he felt overwhelmingly like he still could. I think we all feel a little like Mr. Locke sometimes. Growing up with a brachial plexus injury is a lot of people telling you that you can't do this or that. I know it's driven me to absolutely hate when anyone tells me what to do, what not to do, or how to do it. I resent anyone who tries to take control of my life because I feel like my childhood had enough of that. But life is full of people telling you what to do. From bosses to family to the government, we are bound by certain rules just like John's wheelchair and my BPI and as much as I believe we should make our own decisions, I've realized that I'm not a little girl anymore and taking advice from someone doesn't mean giving up control of my life. It means growing up and recognizing I don't always know best. So when someone tells you what you can't do, smile and ask them to help you figure out what you can. 

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