Sunday, December 28, 2014

Acupuncture: Part 2

If you ever go to acupuncture, make a mental note of how you feel before. It's difficult to assess improvement when you don't remember the "before" picture. Despite my not realizing this, I still felt that my shoulder was looser after the first session. After the second session I did too. The second one was nice because after the first one loosened up certain areas of my shoulder, I really noticed the most restricted parts and was able to have the woman focus there this time. I don't think my everyday function has really been improved but my shoulder almost feels more normal. I just feel like I can shake it around a little more now. If I go back, I'll be interested to see if getting the needles more in my arm and hand will allow other improvements. I'm not sure what I was really expecting from acupuncture but I was pleasantly surprised because of that. But I'm sure it's different for everyone. I also had it on my hamstring and I don't think it really helped there so that's just a reminder that it's not gonna help everything. I'd love to hear any other acupuncture stories out there! Send me a message :)

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