Sunday, June 15, 2014


I might be just missing my Sunday deadline (even on the east coast) but just a quick thought.

People are almost always better than they seem...I think sometimes spending our lives in the same routines in the same places with the same people make us forget this. At least I forget it. I often find myself resenting people before I talk to them and holding grudges for far too long but I need to start reminding myself that most people are truly good people. I've been on a trip with my mom and the number of random and surprisingly kind people that we've run into is much larger than I would have ever expected. I need to stop telling myself that people are bad because I've only been focusing on the wrong people. The bad is always easier to remember but I'm vowing to make the Norwegian mother and daughter, the nice couple with the pit bull, and the refreshingly cheerful toll worker stick in my mind. People mess up and say bad things and do bad things but that doesn't make for bad people. They do a lot of good too. So try and remember with me all the wonderful people you talk to everyday, ran into only once, or even those whom you haven't seen in far too long. They have helped you and will help you and they are the people who get us through the hard stuff every day. They are the people we have to remember. People are good. 

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