Sunday, November 9, 2014


The world is full of scary people, places, ideas, and events. We know this. We spend much of our lives being told this. Usually though, we take a moment to acknowledge it and then move on. Terrible things happen and we know it but for many people, it's a myth they don't truly recognize. Until one of those things happens, it's hard to. This world is scary. There are people living their lives in fear because they've experienced the things that forced them to recognize the myth. Things that forced them to never forget that it isn't actually a myth. Bad things happen. But living in fear is the worst thing of all. Allowing one bad event to take away your life is far more destructive than all of those terrible things. We have to take control. We cannot let the bad take away our lives. We can't stay home or hold back or miss out because of fear. Fear does not control you. Control it. 

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