Sunday, March 23, 2014


I was lucky enough to be able to spend this weekend with a lot of family that I rarely get to see. Though it was incredibly full of chaos and accompanied by too many hours of driving and almost nonstop, it was a great few days. I was reminded how fortunate we are to have families who care for us no matter what. Families who, even if we totally embarrass ourselves or completely mess something up, will still love us even more tomorrow. So many people come in and out of our lives and it too often feels like there's no one to count on but I think we still underestimate the power of our families. I am so lucky to have a brother who brings out the wierdest version of me, a sister who brags about me to all her friends, an uncle who does nothing but try and make me laugh, a grandmother who always thinks of the littlest things to make everyone happy, a cousin who makes me feel like we're little kids all over again, a mother who puts up with my teenage angst, a grandfather who I know will never lose his personality that I know and love, an aunt who could get me excited about anything, and a father who makes me proud to be his daughter every day (among many others who I love just as dearly). Each and every one of them has in some way inspired me to be myself through my injury and help all of you reading this in addition. Though I'm sure your families are much different, I know you all have someone to appreciate like I do.

(if this seems cheesy or irrelevant...I'm sorry, it's late)

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