Sunday, March 9, 2014


This week someone asked me what my biggest regret is from when I was younger, regarding my injury. Is there anything I would do differently? I was stumped. I mean first of all I'm not sure how qualified I am to answer this question since my championships on the monkey bars weren't really all that long ago. I'm still just a kid who 10 years from now will probably worry more about the regrets than I can right now. But for now, I'm pretty happy with how I ended up and what I did to get here. I know I've said it a million times but I can't stress enough how important your attitude is from a very young age. It's actually terrifying how much it can change you and being born with BPI doesn't exactly make the task easy on us. But I think I did alright in that department. I was never one to let it stop me and I should really thank my parents for that because they were the ones who made sure every day I was myself and not just a brachial plexus injury. And my 30-year-old-self might point and laugh at the me right now and my fixation on attitude because I'll realize there was many bigger decisions and mistakes and missed opportunities that did or didn't or could have helped me out much more than the perfect "attitude" ever would have but I stand by it. If you're happy, then whether you got that one surgery or went to PT that one day or didn't play that one sport shouldn't really change all that much.

P.S. Reminding yourself what you're proud of or what you've done well every once in a while like I just did is a really great idea to keep that positive attitude :)  Have a great week everyone!

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