Sunday, September 21, 2014


A birthday is a funny thing to celebrate. Yay you exist! Yay you made it another year! Shouldn't we celebrate our mothers on our birthdays? They're the ones who did all the work however many years ago. They went through all that pain so you could live so shouldn't we congratulate them each year? That makes more sense to me...

Additionally, a birthday for me or for anyone with a birth injury seems like a strange thing to celebrate. Yay 17 years ago today was when the doctor messed up so your life could be just a little more difficult! But like always, there's a bright side to celebrating this anniversary. We don't only celebrate things to remember what happened on that day many years ago. It's also to recognize the time that has passed between that day and today. A one-year wedding anniversary is different than a 50-year one. A birthday when you're two is different than when you're 75. So I'm not choosing to see my birthday as a reminder of a day when things went wrong. I choose to see it as a day that recognizes all the years I have overcome my brachial plexus injury. All the years in which I have learned to live with it and explain it and move past it. As of yesterday, I have 17 years of this behind me. And that was the hard part. It can only get better from here right?

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