Monday, December 1, 2014


Today, well technically yesterday I guess (oops), my family moved out of the only house I've ever lived in. My body is sore from carrying boxes and my mind is beyond confused by seeing all our stuff set up somewhere that isn't home. I can't really believe that I won't pull into that driveway again or step foot in our beloved treehouse. I grew up there and for my last six months or so at home before heading off to college, I have to grow up within a different set of walls.

It's funny that we can get so attached to what's really just a bunch of walls. But truly, that's not all it is. It's the memories within them and the neighbors beyond them. It's the comfort and the routine and the common ground (literally and figuratively) it provides with so many people. I don't know how to live at a different address. But I know I'll learn. We fear change but it's also what we thrive on. Whether it's a new job, school, friend, routine, law, car, or place, it's what allows us to grow. I may have spent seventeen years growing up in one house but I'm going to spend the next six months discovering these new walls that will help me be someone I never could have been had we stayed. That's what change does for us. 

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